Edge Construction Supply - page 748

Spokane, WA 509-535-9841
Billings, MT 406-248-7196
Yakima, WA 509-248-1144
Gillette, WY 307-682-8522
Account Agreement
In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Public Law 9-508, Edge Construction Supply, (“Edge”) may contact any banks and
trade references and make all other credit inquiries it deems necessary and applicant authorizes the release of information to Edge.
The information in the application is true and correct. Parties hereby agree that all purchases made are subject to the following terms
and conditions as well as any terms and conditions stated on the invoices.
1. All sales will be C.O.D. until credit application is approved.
The undersigned applicant agrees that the terms of sale are net 30 days.
If applicant fails to pay any invoices when due,
applicant agrees to pay a late charge of 1 ½% per month or the maximum rate allowed by law, on any past due balance. Amounts are
paid when Edge physically receives them, and not when they are deposited in the mail. If any amount owing to Edge is not paid when
due, Edge may at its option: place the account on a cash basis, terminate any unfilled orders or discontinue any deliveries until all pastdue
payments are made and adequate assurance of applicant’s financial ability is received.
3. In case of default in relation to this agreement, the undersigned shall be responsible for all costs of collection, court costs, and/or
attorney fees.
4. The undersigned applicant is obligated to pay for all goods purchased regardless of whether the applicant receives any payments
due him for the subsequent sale of the goods. Invoices are not payable in installments, but are payable in full as stated in paragraph (2)
5. The undersigned applicant agrees to notify in writing any discrepancies in billing within 10 days of receipt of the invoice or statement.
Applicant further agrees to notify Edge, of any defects, overstock, damages, non-conforming goods, or any other reason that would
cause applicant to reject goods shipped by Edge within 7 business days of receipt of goods. Applicant’s sole and exclusive remedy is
replacement of the non-conforming goods or refund of the applicant’s payment at Edge’s sole option.
6. Edge may apply payments in its sole discretion unless applicant clearly indicates how funds are to be applied.
7. If applicant is a sole proprietorship or partnership, I (we) agree that in the event of incorporation, all terms of the agreement will apply
to the corporation, including applicant’s personal guarantee, unless applicant expressly notifies holder otherwise. Applicant shall notify
seller at least 30 days prior to any change in its business structure, including the conversion from sole-proprietorship or partnership to a
Corporation or Limited Liability Company (“LLC”). Notification shall be made in writing and mailed to the corporate offices of Edge
Construction Supply, PO Box 3437, Spokane, WA 99220 by certified mail.
8. Any change in applicant’s business structure shall not affect applicant’s obligations under this agreement unless Edge agrees
otherwise in writing. Applicant cannot transfer or assign the account relationship without Edge’s prior written consent.
By signing here you agree to the terms on behalf of the applicant, which may be you.
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To induce Edge Construction Supply Inc., to extend credit to the above named applicant and in consideration thereof, the undersigned,
and if more than one, each of them jointly and severally, unconditionally personally guarantee the obligations of applicant to Edge
including but not limited to the prompt payment of all present and future indebtedness, whether secured or unsecured and regardless of
how the indebtedness is represented or incurred. The undersigned consents to any extension or alteration of any obligation and
guarantees such without prior notice, demand or pursuit of remedies against the party primarily liable. This shall be an open, unlimited
and continuing guarantee in effect until the undersigned has notified the creditor in writing of its cancellation, even in the event that
applicant shall incorporate, but such cancellation shall not alter any obligation of the undersigned arising hereunder prior to receipt of
such written notice. The undersigned further agrees to pay all reasonable costs, expenses, and attorney’s fees incurred in the
enforcement of this continuing guarantee, or in the enforcement of any obligation as a result of the extension of credit including but not
limited to the collection of any past due indebtedness whether or not suite is filed. This agreement shall bind the heirs and personal
representatives of the undersigned.
Further, the undersigned hereby consent(s) to Edge’s use of a non-business consumer credit report on the undersigned in order to
further evaluate the credit worthiness of the undersigned as principal(s), proprietor(s) and/or guarantor(s) in connection with the
extension or continuation of the business credit as contemplated by this credit application. The undersigned hereby authorize(s) Edge
to utilize a consumer credit report on the undersigned from time to time in connection with the extension or continuation of the business
credit represented by the credit application. The undersigned as [an] individual(s) hereby knowingly consent(s) to the use of such credit
report consistent with the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act as contained in 15.U.S.C @ 1681 et seq.
By signing here you are agreeing to be a personal guarantor.
Print Name
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I personally guarantee payment of this account as set forth above on behalf of my marital community.
I personally guarantee payment of this account as set forth above on behalf of my marital community.
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