Edge Construction Supply - page 488

Unistrut, Pipe Hangers & Caddy
Spokane, WA 509-535-9841
Billings, MT 406-248-7196
Yakima, WA 509-248-1144
Gillette, WY 307-682-8522
Seismic bracing systems are designed to resist seismic loads to
keep non-structural components intact and operational.
Typical bracing systems restrain piping, conduit, cable tray,
ducts and equipment. Each Authority Having Jurisdictional
(AHJ) will address the requirements through their local
design professionals using the building codes & standards
covering the type of structure and location.
The pictures below show some standard configurations
of bracing. The individual parts of any system are a
combination of strut channel, fittings, all-thread, cable and
hardware. Your system, if planned ahead, can use non-
retrofit fittings, but if you are adding your bracing to an
existing system then retrofit fittings need to be used. The
sizing of the anchor, rod and channel members must be
confirmed to qualify the support.
The state with the highest standards of seismic bracing
requirements is California. The agency controlling systems
used in “Essential Facilities” in California is the “Office of
Statewide Health and Planning” (OSHPD) They review and
approve bracing systems & allow the manufacturers to
publish an approved OPA (OSHPD Pre-Approved)
document which takes you through the design process.
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