Anchors: Mechanical & Chemical - Tech Data
The process used when fastening to concrete has basically remained unchanged over the years. Although unchanged, the process has become easier with some of the calculating tools available to us today. Below you will find downloadable software that will help you calculate and choose the right product for your specific job.
Anchor Calculation and Design Software Downloads
- Simpson AT-XP Anchoring Adhesive for Cracked and Uncracked Concrete
- Simpson SET-XP Anchoring Adhesive Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
- Simpson SetXP ICC-ES Report
- Simpson Strong-Bbolt 2 Wedge Anchor: Cracked and Uncracked Concrete
- Simpson Titen HD: Heavy Duty Screw Anchor - Cracked and Uncraced Concrete
- Red Head C6: Fast Curing Epoxy for All Conditions
- Red Head S7: Fast Cure Adhesive - Data Sheet
- Red Head Trubolt Wedge Anchor - Submittal Info
- Red Head Trubolt + Seismic Wedge Anchor Subittal Info
- Powers AC100 + Gold MSDS
- Powers PE1000 + Epoxy Injection Adhesive Anchoring System
- Powers Powerstud + SD1 Wedge Expansion Anchor
- Powers Powerstud + SD2 Wedge Expansion Anchor
- Powers Wedge-Bolt + Screw Anchor